People ask why the animated series’ I work on spend so much time in production and post… What an incredible amount… https://t.co/LPWPm4kNFH
If you’re looking for a way to soundtrack your project that is totally devoid of human emotion, cultural signifiers… https://t.co/hXrmyLBhJ1
‘Werewolf Bar Mitzvah’ finally getting its moment. https://t.co/SxCXfNE7In
What a fantastic project - with SO MUCH amazing music. Plz send SXSW music showcase invites for 3/17-19! 🍺🍺 https://t.co/qvpzgmLlEj
If we’re not constantly trying to do subtle little things to make that one super fan in the back who really, truly… https://t.co/5YvN7PcyOe
Going forward, any songs engaging in samples, interpolations or style-alikes without clearly specifying ‘featuring… https://t.co/Ape0C9mFMJ
There’s still time for @alwayssunny to fit ‘The World Series Defense 2: Still Hot’ into the new season… @Phillies #RingTheBell @RMcElhenney
A very important thread re the current and future state of the major studios https://t.co/cxizaJR1gX
A 70's country-folk track from U.P. Michigan has absolutely blindsided me this week. Thanks to @numerogroup for the… https://t.co/gNY1G4XgJV
How would you soundtrack a scene with Diane Keaton going on a mushroom tea trip and talking to a dog voiced by Mart… https://t.co/Z32T1RTsIr